Joe’s Market Update – May 30, 2018
A week can be a long time in fruit & veg with last week’s pick of the week, green beans, being this week’s “challenge of the week”!!!
An alleged issue with transport costs saw Queensland farmers opting to send their beans to Sydney rather than Melbourne leading to the price of beans hitting the roof earlier this week.
As an alternative, I would suggest this week’s pick of the week, Green Asparagus!! They are imported from South America, which means we don’t have to deal with bad weather so the price is way less volatile and the quality is superb!
I’ve talked about Qld strawbs for the last few weeks and they continue to be a good news story, continuing to come down in price and improving weekly in quality.
On the flip side, good quality corn, zucchini and South Australian cucumbers are still very pricey… not surprising considering they are coming to the end of season and are much scarcer in supply!!
Sticking with seasonal lines will be your best bet to good quality and better prices.
Caulis, broccoli & broccolini are all reasonably priced at the moment, as are collard and leafy greens in general.
Pumpkins continue to be really well priced.
And this week’s special of the week is celery (only .99c), a must for anyone that loves DIY broths.
That’s all for this week’s market update.
– Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer