Joe’s Market Update – November 14, 2018
This week’s market update includes more Victorian produce as the local season heats up…
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Navels oranges are finishing up and Valencias are starting!
The Valencias are a darker orange flesh as compared with the navels but have plenty of juice.
KP mangoes are coming to the end of their season too…
Still plenty of R2E2s around and hopefully Honey Golds are not too far away!
Unfortunately heavy rains during cup week took their toll on local strawberries….
We’ve started to see their price rise but quality is still very good.
Seedless watermelon from Qld continues to be fantastic…
As are NSW blueberries…nice and large and sweet.
And Doncaster tomatoes are just around the corner!
Excellent news for veggie lovers with more local (Victorian) produce coming into store.
Victorian zucchini, red caps & (Mildura) green beans have all started and are all very good quality…
These lines replacing Qld lines as the weather heats up, up North.
Victorian asparagus continues to be excellent and…
Victorian spring onions are fantastic right now…
So good in fact that…
They are my choice for pick of the week!
That’s all for this week’s market update.
– Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer