Joe’s Market Update – December 11, 2018
Cherries are the talk of the town in Ashburton this week!
Local Victorian varieties continue to get better & better as the season is now well and truly in full swing.
They’re such good value & so tasty that I’ve chosen them for this week’s pick of the week!
Mangoes are also good eating, with our KP mangoes coming in from far North Queensland and…
Peaches and nectarines continue to be the top stone fruit picks..
With peaches being particularly good.
Apricots are also continually improving as supply increases in the markets!
WA Hass avocadoes are another top pick this week…
Creamy, beautiful flavour and ready to eat, making life easy for you when you’re choosing your avos!
Decent price too, especially for the quality and size!
On a slightly different note…
Fresh cut Xmas trees are absolutely flying out the door!
And that’s no surprise as they are particularly good this year!
Some small challenges…
As we make the switch from local spring to local summer lines.
Asparagus continues to climb in price as we come to the end of local season.
Chard is also in light supply with collard greens becoming a little inconsistent as the weather heats up, but…
You’ll notice that tomatoes & zucchinis are looking & tasting better…
As the Victorian seasons get going for both those lines.
And Victorian iceberg lettuce continues to be popular despite being slightly more expensive this week than last!
Plenty of good news BUT beware the Victorian weather Gods!!!
With heavy rains expected Thursday & Friday…
Things don’t look too good for local cherries & berries next week, so get your hands on them now!
That’s all for this week’s market update!
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Have a great week!
Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer