Joe’s Market Update – August 22, 2018
Ever heard of a Carambola?
It’s the correct name (Canaverrhoa Caarambola) for what is more commonly known in Australia as “Starfruit!”
Starfruit from North Queensland are now in season and instore.
I’m told they can be used as a healthy substitute for apple – haven’t tried it myself but just putting it out there!
Whilst on the topic of tropical fruit, really good Aussie grown mangoes are coming in from the Northern Territory.
Earlier in season than usual, they will please many a mango fan!
Good quality bananas are also holding price giving us another good fruit story for this week.
Some challenges with pricing include passion fruit. It was pick of the week some weeks back, but with demand low in Victoria and supply slowing down, they’ve pushed up again…
As too have lebanese cucumbers.
They are up in price and may continue even further up so you may need to look at alternative cucumbers if you don’t feel right paying the premium for lebanese.
Strawberries are also coming down in price & are good quality, but can’t see this lasting too long as some growers are preferring not to sell the strawberries in the wholesale markets at the lower prices.
Watch out for variation in strawberries.
There is a big range of quality in the Melbourne Markets which is good and bad in some ways.
The good is the cheap options are dragging down the price of the good strawbs. So, we have well priced good strawbs in store.
Problem is, this won’t last long, as the growers of the better strawbs will start holding back supply if they can’t get a good price.
Moral is, get in now while price is good as it may not last!
Good veggie options include pumpkins which are firming in price.
Last weeks pick of the week fennel is still good buying, as are this weeks pick of the week, locally grown assorted Victorian mushrooms.
They are from Merbein South, on the Victorian & NSW border and offer lots of exciting options for you in the kitchen!
That’s all for this week’s market update.
– Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer