Joe’s Market Update – July 21, 2018
I’ve been back to the market once this week after a few weeks in absentia and not much has changed with the better veggie options still cauliflower, broccoli and this week’s pick of the week, cabbage!
Custard apples are also still around for those of you wanting a little bit of the exotic and blood oranges are also now in season. They have a darker, redder flesh as compared to regular oranges and are very sweet & juicy.
Definitely worth a try if you’re a citrus fan and there are also plenty of decent mandarins about too if you wanna stick to the more traditional lines.
It’s come as no surprise to me that strawberries are still being difficult!
Growers in South East Queensland are a bit behind in picking as they haven’t been able to get out and do their job in the wet, but we’re told they’re slowly catching up and supply and price should improve by mid next week.
Raspberries have also been a bit of a mystery, hard to get in good quality and quantity.
The positive word on the berry front is that blueberries from Northern NSW are increasing in supply, so look out for them in the upcoming weeks as price should fall and quality continues to improve.
My prediction of the week… passionfruit to fall in price will fall in price next week. After an early morning conversation in the market I am sure it’s the one to watch.
The same can’t be said for cucumbers. Our South Australia cucs are light on due to the cold as are bananas which are coming into the shop dull in color.
On a final note, artichokes aren’t the most common veggie that we cook at home, but both globe and Jerusalem artichokes are eating really well. Give them some thought as an alternate to your other winter greens.
That’s all, plenty more next week once I’ve had some more time in the markets.
– Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer