Joe’s Market Update – August 8, 2018
Plenty of positive news this week…
Blueberries, cauliflowers & cucumbers have all dropped in price.
Cauliflowers are also this week’s special of the week at only $1 each!
Afourer mandarins are now in full swing and are tasting great too.
Strawberries are also getting better in quality.
If there’s been a challenge, it’s bananas, which have spike a little in price.
And remember to get your hands on this week’s pick of the week, locally grown Victorian beetroot out of Lang Lang!
Before I go, remember to sign up for our mailing list at this link https://bit.ly/2uNNLgn to receive 30% off your groceries next week.
There’s a post on this Facebook page which explains how you can redeem your discount and you’ll get an email from us when you sign up!
That’s all for this week!
– Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer