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Creating Memorable Moments

Chicken Alfredo Pasta

For this week’s Monday Meal we’re serving up a quick and easy, oh-so delicious, pasta dish.

Hello, comfort food!


1 -2 chicken breasts, cubed
Olive oil
1 small onion, finely diced
1 stick celery, finely diced
5 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt and pepper
5 sprigs thyme, leaves removed
¼ c sour cream
¼ c cream cheese
¼ c cream
2 pinches nutmeg
1/3 c chicken stock or water


Season chicken with salt and pepper.

Heat a medium sized pan over medium and sauté the chicken in olive oil until sealed. Remove from pan and set aside.

Add a knob of butter, stir and return chicken to the pot.

Add the sour cream, cream cheese, cream and stock. Simmer for about 15 minutes.

If the sauce is too runny, turn the heat up a little and reduce.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta as per pack directions

Add cauliflower and cook until tender – about 15 mins.