Joe’s Market Update – July 4, 2019
Sweet, tart and tangy,
Tangelos are said to have got their name because they’re a cross between tangerines and pomelos!
I’m not sure if that’s 100% correct,
But I do know that they taste sensational!
For those that haven’t come across them before,
They basically look like a slightly pear shaped orange,
With a “nipple” like stem!
If you like mandarins and oranges,
They are definitely worth a try.
Passion fruit in good supply,
The price of it has dropped and it is eating very well.
On the flip side,
Strawberries are still a little bit pricey,
As the lack of volume following last week’s floods continues.
In other fruit news…
Doncaster tomatoes have all but finished up,
But there’s plenty of other good tom options,
Including truss, Adelaide and gourmet!
And my pick of the week…
Goes to Hass Avocadoes!
From Tolga, Queensland,
Some 100kms outside of Cairns,
Our avos are full flavoured, creamy and…
Have a beautiful green flesh that just tastes excellent!
They’re also exceptionally priced,
With large Hass at 3 for $6 or $2.79 each.
Special is on while stocks last!
Fennel and orange salad is one of my favourites,
And at the moment,
Fennel is as good as it gets.
For that something different,
We’ve got Jerusalem Artichokes available.
I had some on Saturday night,
Simply roasted with garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil…
And they were great.
Much easier to handle than the baby artichokes,
And well worth a try at a very decent price.
Loose Beetroot, broccolini, chard varieties and kale are other good veggie picks.
Not much else to report on veggies.
That’s all for this week’s update.
Joe Russo
Foodie | 3rd Generation Green Grocer