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Creating Memorable Moments

Lemony Spring Onion & Peas

Cipolline novelle con piselli…


Spring onion & peas!


So it may sound a little cooler in it’s native Italian…

But I can assure you that our Aussie version…

With local Victorian spring onions and freshly shelled green peas…

Murray Valley Sea Salt and…

Local, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil…

Is simply delicious.

The sweetness of the braised spring onions and peas…

Is juxtaposed brilliantly against lemon juice.

The recipe says juice of half a lemon…

I have actually used the whole lemon on this occasion and..

Yes, it’s tart.

But if you like your citrus…

I’d suggest trying it with the whole lemon too.

I would serve it with some fresh buffalo mozzarella.

It will give a lovely creamy contrast to the dish.

And some crusty bread like a dark rye or even a ciabatta keeping with our Italian theme!

Peasant food fit for a king.

Buen apetito!!

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1 cup shelled peas (or frozen)
2 bunches spring onions washed and cut just above the bulb
Juice of ½-1 lemon
½ cup of veggie or chicken stock
¼ cup dill chopped
¼ cup olive oil
Good salt & pepper


In a pan heat some olive (enough to cover the base of the pan).

Add the spring onion and sauté gently on a medium heat for 3-4 minutes but not long enough to brown. Season with salt & pepper.

Add the peas & toss them gently until they’re totally coated in oil.

Add the lemon juice and stock then cover & simmer gently for around 10 minutes or until peas are tender. If there is excess liquid, uncover & increase the heat so that the liquid can reduce.

Just before you remove it from the heat, gently toss through the dill!

Serve with crusty Italian sourdough or ciabatta.