Sweet Potato & Green Lentil Salad
It’s hard enough getting my kids to eat veggies.
But my dad…
He’s a nightmare!
To put it another way,
When we make food for the grown-ups…
And food for the kids…
It’s just as likely that dad joins the kiddies,
As he does us!
So when I need some feedback on a grown up dish,
Especially on a vegetarian,
And in this case a vegan dish,
I don’t ask my wife…
Because she’s too kind a judge.
I ask my dad,
Because if I can get him to like it,
I know I’m on a winner!
Make sense?
Just checking to see if you’re still with me!
Lentils, sweet potato and eggplant,
Are humble ingredients…
But a little roasting, charring and caramelizing,
Plenty of onion, garlic and chili,
And loads of good quality extra virgin…
Olive oil that is,
Combine with some other stuff,
To make even dad a fan!
Eat it hot,
Serve it as a main,
Perfect the next day for lunch…
This is not only a tasty and delicious dish,
It’s also good for you too!
All that’s left to say now is,
Buon appettito
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1kg sweet potatoes, skin on, cut into bite size pieces
1 red onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
4 tbsp olive oil
1 large eggplant, cut into bite size pieces
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt & cracked pepper
1 cup green lentils, cooked as per packet instructions
6 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp vinegar
1 cup parsley, chopped coarsely
2 long red chillies, sliced
Pre-heat fan forced oven to 220°C.
Combine the sweet potato, onion, garlic, 4 tbsp of olive oil & season with salt and pepper. Mix well to coat all the ingredients evenly.
Divide between two baking trays and cook in the oven for around 30 minutes or until nicely browned, tossing halfway through. This is so that they are not packed into the one tray so they can brown better.
In a bowl, add the eggplant 2 tbsp olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Mix to coat the eggplant evenly. Transfer to a baking tray and cook for around 30 minutes or until nicely browned, tossing halfway through.
In a large bowl combine the cooked lentils, chilli, parsley, 6 tbsp olive oil, 3 tbsp vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Toss to combine. Add the eggplant and sweet potato mix and toss to combine evenly then divide in bowls evenly and serve.