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Creating Memorable Moments

Fig and Blueberry Salad with Blue Cheese

We are at the perfect time of year to enjoy fresh figs.

They are fantastic right now, and throwing them in a salad is a great way to enjoy them.

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Serves 4


400g mixed lettuce leaves
6 figs, quartered
1 punnet blueberries
½ pomegranate, seeds removed
A big handful black olives
100g blue cheese, crumbled
¼ c olive oil
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
½ tsp coarse salt
½ tsp cracked pepper


Layer the mixed leaves, figs, blueberries, olives, pomegranate and blue cheese on a large serving plate or platter.

Combine olive oil, vinegars, salt and pepper, and drizzle over salad.