Valencian-Style Paella
Have you tried our From Basque With Love Meal Kits?
You’re going to need one for this week’s Monday Meal.
We stock a large range of these handcrafted gourmet meal kits and they’ve helped us put together some of the tastiest dinners we’ve ever eaten!
Ready in under 30 mins, this beautiful paella dish is full of flavour!
From Basque With Love Meal Kit
Princi Smallgoods Chorizo, sliced into bite sized pieces
Meadows Free Range Chicken (from our fridge), one breast, cubed
4 cups of chicken stock
1/2 cup of peas
1 tbsp olive oil
chopped parsley for garnish
Sauté chorizo and peas in olive oil.
Add the rice and 4 cups of stock. Cook for 20 mins.
5 mins before it’s fully cooked, add cubed chicken breast.
Garnish with chopped parsley and enjoy!